Turkmenistan's GDP growth for 11 months amounted to 6.3%

18:49 11.12.2023 2372


 Turkmenistan's GDP growth for 11 months amounted to 6.3%.  This was announced by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Hojamyrat Geldimyradov at a government meeting last Friday.

 - Sustainable development is ensured in all sectors of the economy and regions, and the social and living standards of the population are increased.  This is confirmed by the growth of GDP, which during the reporting period amounted to 6.3%,” said H. Geldimyradov, reporting on macroeconomic indicators for January–November 2023.

 Compared to the same period last year, production overall increased by 6.6%, and the volume of retail turnover increased by 9.9%.

 The foreign trade turnover indicator for the reporting period was achieved at the level of 96%.  The execution of the revenue side of the State budget for January–November of this year amounted to 109.8%, expenditures – 98%, H. Geldimyradov noted.

 For large and medium-sized enterprises, the average monthly salary increased by 9.9% compared to the same period last year.  Wages, pensions, government benefits and student scholarships are funded in a timely manner.

 After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of systematic monitoring of the state of the country’s economy.  Having placed special emphasis on the need to pay attention to increasing State Budget revenues and attracting investments, the head of state gave the Vice-Chairman relevant instructions.

 The President also instructed to pay special attention to improving the quality of services provided to the population.

 Addressing the meeting participants, the head of state stated that the results of the work carried out over 11 months of this year clearly demonstrate the great achievements of Turkmenistan.

 The country is consistently implementing the adopted programs, and construction of social, industrial and production facilities is underway.  These include new villages, luxury residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, recreation centers, and other new buildings, the President added.

 Advanced methods and modern technologies are being introduced in the manufacturing industries.  Steps are being taken to improve the social and living conditions of Turkmen citizens, the head of state said.

 Summarizing what was said, Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that there is very little time left before the end of this year.  Therefore, the necessary work should be done to complete it with good results and meet 2024 with dignity.

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