The results of the fuel and energy complex for eleven months were discussed at the industry meeting

09:22 13.12.2023 3787

 A reporting meeting was held in the Central building of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan on December 9, at which the results of the work of industry enterprises for eleven months of the current year, held under the motto “The Year of Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar,” were discussed.

 During the meeting, the tasks set for the country’s oil and gas complex by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the digital meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan on December 8, which summed up the results of the work done in eleven months in all sectors of the economy, and also discussed specific ways to further advance the work in this  direction.

 Opening the reporting meeting, Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Batyr Amanov especially emphasized that under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in order to improve the activities of the industry and its consistent development based on modern achievements, the state is creating all conditions, consistently modernizing the material and technical base, which, in turn  turn, determines the specific tasks facing the domestic fuel and energy complex.

 During the meeting, the Chairman of the State Concern “Turkmennebit” Guvanch Aghajanov, the Chairman of the State Corporation “Turkmengeology” Gurbangeldy Garlyev, as well as the heads of associations, departments and enterprises of the complex, who reported on the work done during the reporting period, spoke.

The presentations included information on the production of oil, gas condensate and liquefied gas in the country, the widespread use of a digital system in the complex’s activities, ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of production facilities during the winter period, consistent improvement of work to supply settlements with natural gas, and increasing oil and gas production rates  , development of cooperation with leading foreign companies, as well as in other equally relevant areas.

 During the meeting, Vice-Chairman Batyr Amanov emphasized the need for constant monitoring of ongoing large projects in the country’s oil and gas complex, the widespread introduction of modern technologies into the work of the industry, the need to familiarize relevant specialists with the ongoing activities on the ground, and also noted the importance of effectively solving problems arising in connection with  Turkmenistan’s accession to the Global Methane Commitment (GMP) and outlined specific tasks facing the State Concerns “Turkmengas” and “Turkmennebit”, and the State Corporation “Turkmengeology”.

 Adviser to the President of Turkmenistan on oil and gas issues Ashirguly Begliev, emphasizing priority areas in the oil and gas complex, focused on the issues of exploration and discovery of oil and gas fields, improving cooperation with international companies, attracting foreign investment in the implementation of large projects, organizing a scientific conference with the participation of complex specialists, scientists and  professors, as well as other tasks.

 Vice-Chairman Batyr Amanov focused on the fact that every worker must work with great diligence in order to adequately celebrate the International Day of Neutrality and their professional holiday – the Day of Workers in the Oil and Gas Industry and Geology.

 The Vice-Chairman also wished the industry workers great labor success on the eve of the new year, in the development of the oil and gas industry and the effective solution of the tasks set by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the President of the country, Hero of Turkmenistan – Arkadagly Serdar.

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