Management of «Lebapgaschykarysh»: annual plan – for eleven months

14:47 04.01.2024 3252

 The management team of the “Lebapgaschykarysh” State Concern “Turkmengas” successfully fulfilled the planned obligations of the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar” more than a month ahead of schedule.

 This year, the management planned production of 9 billion 875 million 120 thousand cubic meters of natural gas.  Production figures for the eleven months of the outgoing year amounted to about 9 billion 964.6 million cubic meters.

 In addition, over the past period, more than 36 thousand tons of gas condensate were produced and sent to the Seydi oil refinery.  At that time, the plan for eleven months was fulfilled by 103 percent.

 Much of the credit for the success achieved goes to the producers who work in the Malay gas field.  During this period of the year they produced 5.9 billion cubic meters of natural gas.  This success was achieved due to the commissioning of a gas compressor station and the efficient use of its capacity.  A significant part of the extracted raw materials is sent to China via the Turkmenistan-China international gas pipeline.

 One of the priorities in management is the creation of the necessary conditions for labor productivity and a prosperous life for workers who respond to the care of the state with high labor achievements.  Thus, on the eve of Independence Day, by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, control equipment repairman Niyazmurat Amansakhetov, technological installation operator of the Malay-Chartak workshop Hudayberen Allamuradov were awarded the medal “For Love of the Homeland.”  There are many employees in the department who have received similar state awards.

 Work at gas fields is ongoing continuously.  As a result, an average of 30.5 million cubic meters of “blue fuel” is transported daily.

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