Branch of China National Petroleum Corporation International announces a tender: 03.01.2024 – 16.01.2024

10:13 04.01.2024 2883

Tender Announcement

Branch of China National Petroleum Corporation International Ltd. in Turkmenistan announces the pre-qualification process for Tender No. CIT-23114-SR “Cleaning and diagnostics of stable condensate tanks at GPP-1 and GPP-2” in the Bagtyýarlyk Contractual Territory, Lebap velayat, Turkmenistan.

Any company interested in this tender can apply for participation in the tender, submitting the following documents:

1. Application for participation in the tender.

2. A complete company profile with a description of the main type of activities, legal status and information on registration and licensing of the company, business license, tax registration certificate and organization’s code certificate.

3. Full confirmation of the authorized capital and audited financial statements for the last three years.

4. Experience in carrying out projects for the overhaul of equipment or installations for natural gas purification.

5. A copy of the registration certificate of entry into the Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Turkmenistan

 The deadline for submitting applications is within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of publication in the media.

Prequalification documents of the interested companies shall be provided in a hermetically sealed envelope, certified by a seal and accompanied with a covering letter (in the amount of 2 copies, and a scanned version of the document must be included). On the envelope, the name of the addressee, sender, number and name of the tender shall be indicated.

Providing clarifying information on the terms of participation and pre-qualification documents is carried out at the following address:

Address: 553/3, Bitarap Turkmenistan Ave., Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Contact person: Narine Simonyan

tel.: +993-12-44 54 34

fax: +993-12-44 50 44

Proposals received after the deadline and by email will not be accepted.

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