“Lebapgazupjunchilik” management ensures high rates of gasification in Lebap region

15:23 26.01.2024 2948


In our country, the issues of gasification of settlements, production facilities, cultural and public buildings and the uninterrupted supply of domestic consumers with natural gas are under the close attention of the head of Turkmenistan, thanks to which “blue fuel” reliably warms the homes of Turkmenistan citizens.

In winter, this issue is approached with even greater responsibility, since with cold weather the consumption of natural gas increases significantly. This situation requires ensuring an uninterrupted supply of fuel to consumers, as well as strict adherence to safety rules.

— As in the whole country, natural gas is becoming more and more accessible to the population of Lebap velayat. Employees of our department work tirelessly to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the gas supply system and prevent unforeseen incidents,” said Ramazan Genjiev, head of the department of labor protection and road safety of the Lebapgazupjunchilik department of the State Concern “Turkmengas”.

To this end, a wide range of activities has been carried out. In particular, specialists from city and velayat gas management organizations carried out inspection and control work at 378 gas distribution stations and 3,273 gas regulatory points. Detected faults were promptly and efficiently corrected on site. Similar activities are also carried out on underground and above-ground gas pipelines of various pressures in accordance with the approved plan. At the same time, management specialists effectively use advanced technical means.

As throughout the country, the construction of residential buildings is being carried out at an intensive pace in Lebap region. At the same time, gasification of new residential complexes is being carried out. As a result, the number of households using natural gas is growing every year. In order to ensure compliance with the rules for the use of natural gas in these households, employees of local gas organizations constantly monitor the proper functioning of the gas supply system, and, if necessary, carry out repair work.

Together with specialists responsible for gas safety of the population and enterprises, outreach activities are regularly carried out among the population, events on the correct use of natural gas, during which the main attention is paid to the issues of rational use of gas, which is a valuable resource of the country, and strict compliance with relevant safety rules.

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