Drillers of the Lebapnebitgazgözleg Expedition Are Successfully Drilling New Deep Wells
20.12.23 - 13:05

Workers of the Lebapnebitgazgözleg Expedition of the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation take an active part in the work to increase the economic potential of the Motherland. In the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, they continue to successfully achieve their goals and are rapidly moving to new heights.

Gas Workers of the Daşoguzşähergaz Gas Supply Organization Are Ready for the Winter Season
08.12.23 - 16:40

Workers and specialists of gas supply organizations of the Daşoguzgazüpjünçilik Directorate continue to carry out work for the autumn-winter season at a high organizational level. In this regard, the work of the gas workers of the Daşoguzşähergaz Gas Supply Organization, located in the velayat center, to ensure an uninterrupted supply of natural gas to the population, organizations and enterprises of the city should be especially noted.

Another Well Has Been Put into Operation at the Galkynysh Field
08.12.23 - 10:50

Another gas well has been put into operation at the Galkynyş gas field, which is one of the largest natural gas deposits in the world. Thus, the number of productive gas wells at plant No. 1 for purifying gas from sulfur at the giant field has reached thirty. Work on the construction of the wellhead of gas well No. 238 was carried out by builders of the 3rd specialized installation organization of the directorate of the Türkmenýöritenebitgazgurnama Trust as a general contractor by order of the Marygazçykaryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern.

Буровики экспедиции «Lebapnebitgazgözleg» успешно ведут бурение новых глубоких скважин
20.12.23 - 11:52

Работники экспедиции «Lebapnebitgazgözleg» Государственной корпорации «Туркменгеология» принимают активное участие в работе по повышению экономического потенциала Родины. В год «Счастливой молодежи с Аркадаг Сердаром» они продолжают успешно достигать поставленных задач и стремительно движутся к новым высотам.

Газовщики организаций газового хозяйства «Daşoguzşähergaz» готовы к зимнему сезону
08.12.23 - 14:46

Работники и специалисты организаций газовых хозяйств управления «Daşoguzgazüpjünçilik» на местах продолжают выполнять работы осенне-зимнего сезона на высоком организационном уровне. В этой связи следует особо отметить работу газовщиков расположенной в велаятском центре организации газового хозяйства «Daşoguzşähergaz» по бесперебойному снабжению населения, организаций и предприятий города природным газом.

Очередная скважина введена в эксплуатацию на месторождении «Галкыныш»
07.12.23 - 17:58

Еще одна газовая скважина введена в эксплуатацию на газовом месторождении «Галкыныш», которое является одним из крупнейших в мире по запасам природного газа. Так, количество продуктивных газовых скважин завода №1 по очистке газа от серы на гигантском месторождении достигло тридцати. Работы по строительству устья газовой скважины №238 в качестве генерального подрядчика выполнили строители 3-й специализированной монтажной организации управления треста «Türkmenýöritenebitgazgurnama» по заказу управления «Marygazçykaryş» Государственного концерна «Туркменгаз».

Gyşy göwnejaý garşylaýan gazçylar
05.12.23 - 11:41

«Daşoguzgazüpjünçilik» müdirliginiň ýerlerdäki gaz gojalyk edaralarynyň işçi-hünärmenleri güýz-gyş möwsüminiň işlerini ýokary guramaçylykly dowam edýärler. Bu ugurda müdirligiň welaýat merkezinde ýerleşýän «Daşoguzşähergaz» gaz hojalyk edarasynyň gazçylarynyň şäheriň ilatyny we edara-kärhanalaryny tebigy gaz bilen üznüksiz üpjün etmekde häzirki günlerde alyp barýan derwaýys işleri aýratyn bellenmäge mynasypdyr.

Baýlyk gory ýene artar
05.12.23 - 11:39

Watanymyzyň ykdysady kuwwatyny has-da artdyrmak işine «Türkmengeologiýa» döwlet korporasiýasynyň «Lebapnebitgazgözleg» ekspedisiýasynyň işgärleri ruhubelentlik bilen gatnaşýarlar. Arkadag Serdarly bagtyýar ýaşlar ýylynda olaryň tutumlary has uly, maksatlary has belent.

«Galkynyşda» ýene-de bir guýy önümçilige girizildi
05.12.23 - 11:38

Gaz gorunyň möçberi boýunça dünýäde öňdäki orunlaryň birini eýeleýän «Galkynyş» gaz käninde ýene-de bir ulanyş gaz guýusy önümçilige girizildi. Şeýlelikde, gaz käniniň tebigy gazy kükürtden arassalaýan 1-nji zawodynyň önüm berýän gazly guýularynyň sany otuza ýetdi. Şol 238-nji belgili ulanyş gaz guýusynyň agyz ýakasynyň gurluşyk-gurnama işlerini «Türkmengaz» döwlet konserniniň «Marygazçykaryş» müdirliginiň buýurmasy esasynda «Türkmenýöritenebitgazgurnama» ýöriteleşdirilen trestiniň 3-nji ýöriteleşdirilen gurnama edarasynyň gaz gurluşykçylary baş potratçy bolup ýerine ýetirdiler.

The Hard Work of Masters of Their Craft Is Repaid a Hundredfold
29.11.23 - 09:32

“Staying in the beautiful capital of our country and meeting with leading colleagues brought me vivid and indelible impressions. And when I was presented with a state decoration at the award ceremony in a solemn atmosphere, I experienced a feeling of immense joy. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I expressed my sincere gratitude to our esteemed President, showing tireless care for those who work for the prosperity of our homeland,” Hudayberen Allamuradov says, touchingly recalling the significant and exciting events.

Упорный труд мастеров своего дела воздается сторицей
28.11.23 - 16:24

— Пребывание в прекрасной столице нашей отчизны, встреча с коллегами-передовиками оставили у меня яркие неизгладимые впечатления. А когда мне на церемонии награждения в торжественной обстановке вручили государственную награду, я испытывал чувства безмерной радости.

Zähmeti bilen adygan
28.11.23 - 10:38

— Watanymyzyň gözel paýtagtynda bolmak, öňdebaryjy kärdeşlerim bilen didarlaşmak ýatdan çykmajak täsirleri galdyrdy. Uly dabarada mynasyp bolan döwlet sylagymy gowşuranlarynda bolsa başym gök diredi. Şonda biziň ýaly zähmet adamlarynyň gadyryny bilip, olary sarpalaýan hormatly Prezidentimize tüýs ýürekden çykýan hoşallyk sözlerimi aýtdym — diýip, Hudaýberen Allamuradow bolup geçen tolgundyryjy wakalary ýatlaýar.

Gas workers of the Daşoguzgazakdyryş Directorate Successfully Fulfill Their Planned Obligations
23.11.23 - 19:49

Gas workers of the Daşoguzgazakdyryş Directorate successfully completed the corresponding period of the current year, fulfilling the planned obligations for the uninterrupted supply of “blue fuel” to the population, institutions and enterprises of the velayat. The team of the Directorate also does an excellent job of organizing the uninterrupted transportation of natural gas, exported to foreign markets, via the Döwletabat-Derýalyk gas pipeline. The work they are currently doing is evidence of the gas workers’ well-coordinated and organized activities.

New Successes at the Uzynada Site Are the Result of United Work and Consolidation of Efforts
22.11.23 - 18:08

The “black gold” and “blue fuel” drilling exploration teams of the Nebitgazburawlaýyş Trust of the Türkmennebit State Concern are celebrating the 28th anniversary of the permanent neutrality of our Motherland and the Day of Workers of the Oil and Gas Industry and Geology with worthy labor successes.

Oil and Gas Industry Workers Worthily Celebrate Their Professional Holiday
23.11.23 - 19:50

Over the years of independence, new industrial sectors have appeared in the economy of Turkmenistan. The introduction of advanced technologies into production contributed to an increase in the volume of export-oriented goods produced. Such advanced production facilities include a complex of enterprises for the production of liquefied gas at the Naýip gas field in the eastern region of the country.