Another Well Commissioned at the Galkynyş Field
07.12.22 - 19:57

On the eve of the widely celebrated double holiday in the country – the International Day of Neutrality and the Day of Workers of the Oil and Gas Industry and Geology, production well No. 60 was successfully developed and put into production at the Galkynyş gas field, one of the world’s largest gas fields.

На месторождении «Галкыныш» введена в эксплуатацию очередная скважина
07.12.22 - 16:53

В преддверии широко отмечаемого в стране двойного праздника – Международного дня нейтралитета и Дня работников нефтегазовой промышленности и геологии на газовом месторождении «Галкыныш», являющемся одним из лидирующих в мире по запасам газа, успешно достроена и запущена в производство эксплуатационная скважина №60.

«Galkynyşda» ýene-de bir guýy önümçilige girizildi
06.12.22 - 17:27

Ýurdumyzda giňden toýlanyljak goşa baýramçylygyň — Halkara Bitaraplyk gününiň hem-de Nebitgaz senagaty we geologiýa işgärleriniň gününiň öň ýanynda gaz gorunyň möçberi boýunça dünýäde öňdäki orunlaryň birini eýeleýän «Galkynyş» gaz känindäki 60-njy ulanyş guýusy agyz ýakasynyň gurluşyk-gurnama işleri üstünlikli ýerine ýetirilip, önümçilige girizildi.

Hem gymmatly, hem islegli baýlyk
29.11.22 - 16:29

Türkmenistan ýoduň gorlary boýunça dünýäde öňdäki döwletleriň hatarynda tanalýar, Garaşsyz döwletimiziň sebitde ilkinji, tutuş dünýäde bolsa, dördünji bolup, öz halkyny ýodlaşdyrylan nahar duzy bilen üpjün eden ýurtdugyny hem aýtmak gerek. Mukaddeslige deňelýän bu önümi talabalaýyk ýodlaşdyrmakda zerur bolan çig mal hem öz Diýarymyzdan alynýar.

The TAPI Gas Pipeline to Become a Powerful Bridge of Cooperation between the Countries Participating in the Project
25.11.22 - 20:17

Every year on December 14, Turkmenistan celebrates the Day of Oil and Gas Industry and Geology Workers. Its appearance in the calendar of holidays and memorable dates of the country is associated with an important economic event – the commissioning of the Turkmenistan–China gas pipeline. And on December 13, 2015, with the participation of the leaders of four countries, the construction of the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India (TAPI) gas pipeline was launched.

Koytendag Geologists Conduct an Effective Prospecting for New Groundwater Reserves
24.11.22 - 17:17

The Chief Geologist of the Koytendag Exploration Party of the Turkmen Geological Prospecting Expedition of the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation Shanazar Anarov, at the request of the editorial staff of our newspaper, told about the achievements of the Organization in the last months of the current year, which was full of bright and significant events.

The Contribution of the Workers of the Wastewater Treatment System to the Overall Success of the Marygazçykaryş Directorate
23.11.22 - 20:34

During the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, each of the service enterprises of the Marygazçykaryş Directorate makes a worthy contribution to increasing natural gas production at the gas fields of the Mary Velayat.

Газопровод ТАПИ станет мощным мостом сотрудничества между странами-участницами проект
25.11.22 - 16:45

Ежегодно 14 декабря в Туркменистане отмечается День работников нефтегазовой промышленности и геологии. Его появление в календаре праздников и памятных дат страны связано с важным экономическим событием – вводом в эксплуатацию газопровода «Туркменистан-Китай». А 13 декабря 2015 года при участии лидеров четырех стран был дан старт строительству газопровода Туркменистан – Афганистан – Пакистан – Индия (ТАПИ).

Suw arassalaýjylaryň hyzmaty
22.11.22 - 15:13

Berkarar döwletiň täze eýýamynyň Galkynyşy döwründe Mary welaýatynyň çägindäki gaz känlerinde täze ulanyş guýularynyň önümçilige girizilmegi bilen «Marygazçykaryş» müdirligi boýunça tebigy gazyň çykarylyşynyň möçberleriniň artmagynda hyzmat ediş kärhanalarynyň her biriniň mynasyp goşandy bardyr.

Gerimli we netijeli gözlegler
22.11.22 - 15:14

Biz «Türkmengeologiýa» döwlet korporasiýasynyň Türkmen geologiýa gözleg ekspedisiýasynyň Köýtendag geologiýa gözleg partiýasynyň baş geology Şanazar Anarow bilen habarlaşyp, şanly ösüşlere, taryhy wakalara baý bolan ýylyň geçen aýlarynda ýetilen sepgitler bilen tanyşdyk.

Beýik başlangyçlar rowaçlanýar
22.11.22 - 16:09

Ýurdumyzda Nebitgaz senagaty we geologiýa işgärleriniň gününiň bellenilýän dekabr aýynda beýik başlangyçlaryň birnäçesine ak pata berlip, uly öwrülişikler nebitgaz ulgamynda hem amala aşyryldy. Mälim bolşy ýaly, 2015-nji ýylyň 13-nji dekabrynda dört döwletiň ýolbaşçylarynyň gatnaşmaklarynda Türkmenistan — Owganystan — Pakistan — Hindistan gaz geçirijisiniň gurluşygyna badalga berlipdi. Bu halkara gaz geçirijisi Türkmenistanyň çäginden Hindistana çenli 1814 kilometre uzalyp gidýär.

Койтендагские геологи ведут эффективный поиск новых резервов подземных вод
23.11.22 - 17:14

Главный геолог Койтендагской геологоразведочной партии Туркменской геологоразведочной экспедиции Государственной корпорации «Туркменгеология» Шаназар Анаров по просьбе редакции нашей газеты рассказал о достижениях организации за последние месяцы этого года, который был насыщен яркими знаменательными событиями.

Вклад работников водоочистной системы в общий успех Управления «Marygazçykaryş»
23.11.22 - 16:56

В период Возрождения новой эпохи могущественного государства каждое из обслуживающих предприятий Управления «Marygazçykaryş» вносит достойный вклад в увеличение добычи природного газа на газовых месторождениях Марыйского велаята.

Dashoguz Hydrogeologists Achieve Worthy Results
19.11.22 - 01:59

The employees of the Dashoguz hydrogeological expedition of the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation, who successfully completed 10 months of the current year “The Era of the People with Arkadag”, continue their activities at no less intensive pace in accordance with the production plan for November.

There Will Be no Interruptions in Gas Supply
19.11.22 - 01:59

Thanks to the hard work of the employees of the gas facilities of the Marygazüpjünçilik Directorate, the people of the region are uninterruptedly provided with natural gas all year round. Enjoying the benefits and comfort in everyday life due to the stable operation of the gas supply system, the residents of the Mary velayat express their sincere gratitude to Arkadagly Serdar, who cares about the wellbeing of the people in the Period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State.