Presentation of the new book authored by the President of Turkmenistan took place at IUOG

19:13 16.04.2024 910

 At the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev, a presentation of the new book by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov “Anew – culture from the depths of millennia” took place. Teachers and students of the university took part in the event.

 At the presentation ceremony, the special role of the new publication in the study and wide popularization of the glorious history and rich cultural heritage of the Turkmen people was noted.  It was also emphasized that the book, which contains a huge amount of useful information, is written in an accessible and at the same time artistic language.  Teachers of the IUOG named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev - Jemal Sapargulyeva, Shemshat Beglieva, Ahmet Atajanov and others, spoke about this and much more in their speeches.

 During the ceremony, university students also had the opportunity to speak. Thus, one of the representatives of student youth, Davut Dovranov, proudly noted in his speech that young people are especially pleased with the fact that the President’s new book was published this year – 2024, on the days of various cultural celebrations and events on the occasion  declaring the ancient city of Anew the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024.

 It was noted that the publication of the new edition was timed specifically for this historical event.  The proclamation of Anau by the International Organization of Turkic Culture – TURKSOY as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024 testifies to the ever-increasing authority of our fatherland in the international arena, global recognition of the integral contribution of the Turkmen people to the development of universal civilization.

 At the end of the ceremony, oil and gas university student Yagshimurat Annadurdyev, stating the importance of the President’s new book for modern youth, emphasized its role in the development of patriotism, love for our fatherland and its glorious historical past.  Y. Annadurdyev concluded his speech with a patriotic song glorifying the grandiose successes and achievements of our homeland – independent, neutral Turkmenistan, which is developing at a rapid pace under the leadership of the Hero of Arkadag and the respected President – Arkadagly Serdar.

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