China imported $2.4 billion worth of Turkmen gas in the first quarter of the year

09:56 23.04.2024 1278

 In January-March 2024, China imported Turkmen gas worth $2.4 billion.  This was reported by the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China.

 According to the report, the largest exporters of “blue fuel” to China also include Australia (6.3 million tons for $3.6 billion), Qatar (5.2 million tons for $3.1 billion) and Malaysia (2.3 million tons  for $1.15 billion), which supply it in the form of liquefied gas.

 Currently, Turkmenistan exports natural gas to China through three gas pipeline lines running along the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China route with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

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