A scientific-practical conference was held at the Research institute State Concern "Turkmengas"

18:42 12.06.2024 899


A scientific and practical conference “Scientific foundations for the development of the oil and gas industry” was held at the Natural Gas Research Institute (NGRI) of the State Concern “Turkmengas”. The forum, organized by the primary trade union organization and the women's council of the institute on the occasion of Science Day, widely celebrated in the country, brought together specialists and researchers working in the structures of the state concerns "Turkmengaz", "Turkmennebit", and the state corporation "Turkmengeology".

The leaders of the research institute, in their speeches, proudly noted the efforts made to develop science and education, digital technologies in the country, determining the importance of the created working conditions and the new equipment and innovative technologies introduced into the production of the oil and gas complex on the quality and volumes of products. The speakers also focused on the comprehensive support provided by the state to scientists and young scientists.  

Then, according to the agenda of the forum, speeches on scientific topics were heard.  

In his speech, Rakhmetnur Aymammedov, Deputy Director of NGRI for Geological Work, spoke in detail about the work, research and analyzes carried out as part of an accurate study of the structures of the Charykol and Northern Charykol sites in the Bagadzha region.  

Speeches were also heard from the heads of the laboratories of NGRI Murad Bayramgylyjov, Allashukur Altaev, senior researcher Larisa Chuprina, engineer Dortguly Garadzhaev, technician Ogulnur Khojagulyeva on increasing the efficiency of liquid production from the bottom of gas and gas condensate wells, the results of a comprehensive reinterpretation based on geological and geophysical data obtained at the Gyzylgaty site by using modern software, conducting an analysis of the operation of drill bits used in drilling operations by the Turkmengazburavlaiysh management and issuing a conclusion on their operation, methods of extinguishing and developing gas and gas condensate wells under conditions of abnormal reservoir pressure. The forum also widely covered the topic of the life and work of the outstanding Turkmen poet, philosopher Magtymguly Fragi.

During the conference, on the occasion of the holiday, the organizers presented memorable gifts to distinguished scientific employees of NGRI. 

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