Labor successes of drillers of the «Nebitgazburavlayysh» trust

21:29 19.06.2024 1588

 A significant contribution to the successful implementation of the Program for the Development of the Oil and Gas Industry of Turkmenistan for the period until 2030, as well as to ensuring energy security and stable economic development of the country, is made by the team of the trust “Nebitgazburavlayysh” of the State Concern “Turkmennebit”.

 Located in the western part of the country, the Uzynada field during the years of independence went down in the history of the country's oil and gas industry as one of the natural deposits rich in hydrocarbon resources.  The Goturdepe, Nebitdag, Ekerem, Korpeje drilling departments of the «Nebitgazburavlayysh» trust work fruitfully here. Currently, drilling work is underway at wells No. 79, 80, 81, 84, 85 of the Uzynada field. It should be noted that work is simultaneously underway at the site to determine the volume of natural resources. 

 During the drilling period, the provision of drilling and casing pipes, bentonite clay, fuel tankers and water tankers is carried out by the management of the «Burnebitgazhyzmat» trust, whose management pays great attention to organizational measures and coordination of the work of departments for an uninterrupted production process.  And this gives its positive results. 

 The site continues to extract raw materials from wells No. 74, 76, 78, 82, 83 drilled last year at the Uzynada field.

 The enterprises of the State Concern “Turkmennebit”, demonstrating an example of well-coordinated joint work, work diligently to justify the trust placed in them.  An example of this is the dynamic work deployed at the Uzynada site. 

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