In the western region of Turkmenistan, more than 150 million cubic meters of natural gas have been extracted

17:56 21.06.2024 1461

In the first five months of 2024, the volume of "black gold" extracted from the active wells of the oil and gas production department "Galkynyşnebit" of the state concern "Türkmennebit," operating in the western region of the country, amounted to about 24.9 thousand tons.

This means that the plan was fulfilled by 106.7 percent, and the plan was exceeded by 1,568 tons of "black gold" from the active wells during the reporting period. It should be noted that the enterprise extracted more than 150 million cubic meters of natural gas from productive layers under its control.

As reported, the extracted natural gas was directed to meet the needs for this valuable product of institutions and residential buildings in the coastal settlement of Hazar in the city of Balkanabat.

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