A new gas flow was obtained at the Galkynysh field

16:00 12.07.2024 1030


The oil and gas industry, being one of the leading sectors of the national economy, plays an important role in strengthening the country's economic independence. The key aspect of the fundamental reforms in the fuel and energy complex implemented during the Renaissance of the new era of a powerful state is the effective use of the potential of the oil and gas industry, diversification of the sales market and radical modernization of infrastructure. The Galkynysh gas field, widely known in the world for its gigantic reserves of natural gas, today serves as the most reliable source of “blue fuel” in the country.

Thanks to the successful development recently carried out by gas workers of the Turkmengazburawlayysh management of the State Concern "Turkmengas", a new industrially significant flow was obtained at production well No. 236 of the country’s largest gas storehouse, Galkynysh. This was the result of effective drilling and perforation-blasting operations of layers at depths from 4509 to 4363 meters with a total length of 146 meters. According to experts, the production well's debit rate is 2 million 330 cubic meters of natural gas per day.

We are particularly proud of the fact that these works are carried out by domestic specialists - experienced drillers, including with the participation of young promising gas workers. In the successful conduct of drilling operations, timely completion of construction and commissioning of new wells, a particularly important role is given to advanced technology purchased by the state, powerful technological equipment, the presence of which determines the quality of the work performed and long-term operation of wells.

As a result of the regular support provided by the head of state during the drilling and construction of this gas well, saddle and tubing pipes, Christmas tree fittings, and column heads of the leading Japanese company Sumitomo were widely used, corresponding to the geological and technological characteristics of the Galkynysh gas field, the production indicators of which are attractive attention of leading international manufacturers. Likewise, Turkmen gas is of interest to both consumer countries and large foreign investors. Currently, the gas workers of the concern, in accordance with the plan, are successfully carrying out drilling operations at production wells No. 110, 253, 260, 265, 283 of the Galkynysh gas field.

— Successful drilling operations are the result of the joint work of all members of our team. Among those who particularly distinguished themselves, I would certainly like to mention the head of the experimental team Baba Babaev, drillers Batyr Orazov, Begmurad Hasanov, Mekan Hojaev, assistant driller Hoshgeldy Charyev and others, says the chief geologist of the Turkmengazburawlayysh department, Muhammed Saparmuradov.

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