WTL operates in Turkmenistan taking into account environmental conservation

19:53 10.07.2020 3860


In Turkmenistan, environmental protection is provided in a number of industries related to both oil production and its transportation, processing and use. As the Director of the Westport Trading Europe Limited branch in Turkmenistan, Allaberdy Ilyasov, told to the “Voice of the CIS” online radio, the American company has created samples of new-generation equipment that is successfully used in oil refining processes. The company's specialists develop a number of projects for the industrial sector, taking into account the preservation of the environmental environment.Actual areas in the field of nature conservation in the extraction and processing of oil and gas are the development of environmentally friendly processes and waste management, gas treatment of petrochemical plants, wastewater treatment, monitoring of environmental pollution by oil and oil products and others.- Among the most important areas of preventing air pollution is the improvement of technological processes. In addition, oil refineries are equipped with purification systems (sedimentation, filtration, microbiological and chemical wastewater treatment, etc.), Ilyasov noted.Now the company's specialists have started construction of a complex of delayed coking and tar deasphalting plants (CDC-TDP). The construction of a complex of delayed coking  (CDC) is designed for processing all heavy residues at the plant (tar, oil sludge, asphalt and other residues) into more valuable light petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuels) and electrode coke.

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