The results of the creative competition are summed up

15:52 21.09.2021 4661

 In the central building of the Council of Trade Union Organizations, an award ceremony was held for the winners of the creative competition, timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the celebration of independence of Turkmenistan, as well as the 10th anniversary of the creation of the newspaper "Nebit-gaz".

  Representatives of the oil and gas sector of our country, teachers of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshigeldy Kakaev, representatives of public organizations.

 As you know, a creative competition was announced among employees of the oil and gas complex on January 12, 2021, under the motto "Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust", for the best article, essay, photo report, poem highlighting the modern achievements of the oil and gas sector of our country. Over the past period, the creative works of the participants of the competition were regularly published on the pages of the newspaper "Nebit-gaz".

 Since the day of publication, the editorial board of the newspaper "Nebit-gaz" The Council of Trade Union Organizations of Oil and Gas Industry Workers of Turkmenistan, together with large enterprises of the complex at a high organizational level, have been holding such competitions, which, in turn, inspire readers to be creative.  This time, too, many oil and gas workers took an active part in the competition, among whom there are new authors who closely cooperate with the newspaper "Nebit-gaz".

 During the ceremony, the winners of the creative competition were awarded.  The winners were Penzhi Khudaigulyev, senior specialist of the website of the newspaper "Nebit-gaz", and Guller Orazova, leading specialist of the state corporation "Turkmengeology".  The first place was awarded to the teacher of the IOGU named after Y. Kakaev, Seilbay Sopiev, the leading specialist of the State Concern "Turkmengas" Mahri Mammedova, the engineer of the well drilling laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Corporation "Turkmengas" Merdan Durdyev.

 The second place was shared by the teacher of IOGU named after Y. Kakaev, Myratmukhammet Myradov, layout designer of the newspaper "Nebit-gaz" Ata Ataev, senior researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Corporation "Turkmengas" Orazsakhet Bayramov.  The head of the department of IOGU named after Y. Kakaev, Eziz Annataganov received the third place.

 The winners of the competition were awarded certificates and valuable gifts.

 Within the framework of the event, there was held a festive concert with the participation of pop stars of the cultural center of the State Concern "Turkmengas".

 At the end of the celebration, the employees of the editorial office in honor of the 10th anniversary of the publication of the newspaper "Nebit-gaz" were presented with gifts on behalf of the TCOR and the Council of Trade Union Organizations of Workers of the Oil and Gas Industry of Turkmenistan.

On days filled with a festive atmosphere, the editorial staff of the newspaper "Nebit-gaz" wholeheartedly congratulates all the winners and wishes them further success.

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