President congratulated compatriots on the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence

19:08 29.09.2021 3427

 On September 27, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated compatriots on a great date – the glorious 30th anniversary of the sacred independence of Turkmenistan.

 “Over the past thirty years, colossal work has been done, significant progress has been achieved in all areas.  Over the years of independence, significant changes have taken place in state and public life, in the mentality of the people, the principles of democracy have been consistently consolidated,” - the head of state said in his address.

 “State sovereignty has allowed us to revive national material and spiritual values, to promote our age-old traditions of peace, friendship and high humanism on the world stage,” the President noted.

 “Thanks to the unity, cohesion, huge creative and labor enthusiasm of the native people, as well as the impressive potential of our country, over the past period, detailed programs have been successfully implemented aimed at the socio-economic development of the sovereign Fatherland and improving the living standards of the Turkmen people, a national model of a competitive economy has been created.  We are still achieving great results in this direction,” Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said in his appeal.

 As the leader of the country emphasized, “The radical transformation of the appearance of cities and villages over the years of sovereign development has become our main goal, guided by which, large-scale construction of new etraps, cities and villages with comfortable residential buildings, secondary and higher educational institutions, preschool institutions, medical centers was carried out.  , large industrial and social enterprises, modern transport and communication systems. «

 “From the first days of sovereign development, our state has achieved great success in international cooperation in the field of ensuring peace, global security and sustainable development on the planet, as well as accumulated valuable experience of interaction with members of the world community and large international structures,” the President's message says.

 “In general, the past 30 years have been fanned with glory for our sovereign state and native people.  Having identified even more promising and ambitious tasks to further strengthen the foundations and build up the economic potential of an independent neutral Motherland for the sake of a happy life for the present and future generations, we, inspired by our great achievements and wonderful successes, will continue to confidently follow to new heights of progress, «the head of Turkmenistan emphasized.  …

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