Results of the work of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for ten months were considered at the government meeting

22:19 08.11.2021 3406

 At the government meeting, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired via video communication last Friday, the results of the work of all spheres of the economy of Turkmenistan, including the oil and gas industry, in January-October of this year were discussed.

 The leader of the nation gave the floor to Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh.Abdrakhmanov, at the same time summoning through the digital system the State Minister – Chairman of the State Concern «Turkmengas» B. Amanov, Chairman of the State Concern «Turkmennebit» G. Baigeldiev, Chairman of the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» and M. Rozyyev and Prosecutor General B. Atdaev.

 The Vice-Chairman reported on the results of the work of the branches under his supervision over the past ten months in the context of the implementation of the Program for the Development of the country's oil and gas industry for the period up to 2030.

 In particular, it was reported on production indicators in the field of oil and gas condensate production, as well as in the field of oil refining.  The plan for the production of gasoline was fulfilled by 107%, polypropylene – by 107.4%, for the development of investments from all sources of financing – by 101.8%.

 Fulfillment of the plan for the production of natural and associated gas was 122.8%, for the export of «blue fuel» - 134.7%.  Compared to the same period last year, the growth rate for these indicators was ensured, respectively, at 123.9% and 139.6%.

 Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed the need to increase the economic indicators of all industrial structures of the fuel and energy complex, to increase the volume of oil and gas production.

 Speaking about the available opportunities for expanding the range of high-quality competitive products made from hydrocarbons, which are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets, the leader of the nation noted that for this purpose the potential of the refining sector of the fuel and energy complex should be optimally used, having addressed specific instructions to the leaders of the oil and gas complex.

 The President reprimanded Vice-Chairman Sh.Abdrakhmanov for improper performance of official duties, weakening of control over the activities of the branches under his supervision.

 For improper performance of official duties, weakening of control over the activities of subordinate institutions and enterprises, the leader of the nation announced a severe reprimand to the State Minister – Chairman of the SC «Turkmengas» B. Amanov with the last warning about correcting the shortcomings in the shortest possible time.

 Addressing the Prosecutor General B. Atdaev and pointing out the weakening of the prosecutor's supervision over the activities of the oil and gas complex, the head of state announced him a severe reprimand for the improper performance of his official duties, the weakening of control over the activities of subordinate institutions, with the last warning to correct the shortcomings as soon as possible.

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