According to the results of January, enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan ensured a high rate of production growth

22:19 04.02.2022 3077

 The results of the work of enterprises of the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan for January this year were presented by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shakhym Abdrakhmanov at a government meeting, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held last Thursday via video link.

 Thus, over the past month, the plan for oil production was fulfilled at the level of 100.4 percent, oil refining – 108.3 percent, gasoline production – 112.2 percent, diesel fuel – 116.8 percent, lubricating oils – 114.8 percent, polypropylene  - 124.5 percent, extraction of natural and associated gas – 105 percent, the volume of exports of «blue fuel» - 110.7 percent.

 The growth rate of liquefied gas production compared to January last year amounted to 113.1 percent, oil and gas exploration – 120.1 percent.

 Information was also provided on the indicators achieved in the field of oil and gas condensate production, development of investments.

 Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the need to further increase the volume of production and processing of oil and natural gas, the production of various petrochemical products that are in demand on world markets, as well as expanding its range.

 In this context, an important task is to systematically strengthen the resource base of the oil and gas industry by identifying new promising deposits and reservoirs, the leader of the nation said.  At the same time, it was especially emphasized that these studies should be carried out using digital technologies, modern equipment and software.

 Pointing to the importance of further diversification of the fuel and energy complex, stepping up work on introducing the latest scientific and technical developments and advanced technologies into the domestic oil and gas industry, which is designed to increase hydrocarbon production and increase the output of finished products, the head of state addressed a number of specific instructions to the Vice-Chairman.

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