Record volume of natural gas was produced in Turkmenistan in the years of independence

21:19 14.02.2022 6485

 At the end of 2021, Turkmenistan achieved the highest natural gas production rate over the years of independence – 83 billion 772.9 million cubic meters.  This was stated by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Shakhym Abdrakhmanov at an expanded meeting of the government last Friday, at which the results of the country's economic development for 2021 were summed up.

 The Vice-Chairman also noted that the export of natural gas of Turkmenistan in 2021 amounted to about 45 billion cubic meters.

 Sh. Abrakhmanov’s report on the results of the fuel and energy complex for 2021 also included information on other technical and economic indicators achieved in the field of oil and gas condensate production, as well as oil refining.  In particular, it was noted that for the period under review, the plan for the production of gasoline was fulfilled at the level of 105 percent, bitumen – 142.3 percent, polypropylene – 105.9 percent.

 The plan for the extraction of natural and associated gas was fulfilled by 120.1 percent, for the export of «blue fuel» - 129.8 percent, for the development of investments – 109 percent.  Information was also provided on the volumes of production of diesel fuel and liquefied gas.

 It was also noted that in the past year, the production of polypropylene films coated with mother-of-pearl and aluminum, jet fuel Jet A-1, semi-synthetic lubricating oil Turkmenoil Advance 5W-40, marine fuel, alkylate gasoline with a high-octane component, gasoline A-  98, conforming to Euro-6 standards.

 Addressing the vice-premier and the heads of the oil and gas complex, the head of Turkmenistan noted that one of the main directions of the country's economic development is the development of the oil and gas industry and its modernization, the creation of innovative industries for the processing of hydrocarbon resources, the diversification of export potential, as well as the formation of a multi-variant pipeline network for the supply of energy resources.

 In this regard, the President pointed out to the Vice-Chairman the need to continue work on the comprehensive modernization of the fuel and energy complex, as well as attracting foreign investment, including for the implementation of projects in the field of exploration, production, development of new deposits, and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials.

 In order to increase the reserves and production of oil, natural gas and gas condensate, it is necessary to continue the search for new fields, actively develop the fields «Barsagelmez», «Goturdepe», «Demirgazyk Goturdepe», «Nebitdag», «Altyguyy», «Uzynada», «Gunorta Uzynada”, “Keymir”, “Akpatlawuk”, to continue the development of the gas field “Galkynysh”, the leader of the nation emphasized.

 The head of state also drew attention to the need to take measures to increase the volume of oil refining and the production of new products with high added value.

 Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also instructed the Vice-Chairman to continue work on the introduction of a digital system in the oil and gas complex, ensuring energy security by increasing the volume and new directions for the export of Turkmen natural gas.

 It is also necessary to actively build the strategically important Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project and continue the construction of new natural gas processing plants, increase production and export of liquefied gas, the head of state said.

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