Serdar Nuryagdiyev – Chief Geophysicist of the Turkmengeologiya State Corporation:

17:37 26.03.2022 9872

“On March 19, in the magnificent hall of the Ruhiyet Palace, we witnessed the most important event – the inauguration of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Gurbanguliyevich Berdimuhamedov. The ceremony itself was so solemn, so full of important details and traditions, including those rooted in the history of the Turkmen, that, more than ever, you could feel your involvement in the centuries-old annals of our people, in which another important page was inscribed.

“The newly elected President of Turkmenistan quite rightly noted that from that moment in the history of independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan, the countdown of a new period had begun.

“President Serdar Gurbanguliyevich clearly outlined the vision of crucial and lofty tasks facing us on the path of the further development of our independent neutral Motherland. First of all, this is the further strengthening of the solid foundations of the indestructible Turkmen state, the raise in its international prestige and a significant increase in its economic potential.”

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