Dovranguly Atahanov – Head of the Marketing and Logistics Department of the Closed Joint Stock Company “Turkmen National Oil and Gas Company”

02:12 28.03.2022 6712

“Today, the ongoing democratic processes in our country have been given a qualitatively new impetus. The road is open for young initiative leaders who are capable of taking responsibility for the fate of the Motherland and the people at the new stage in the development of the state.

“President Serdar Gurbanguliyevich sets a lofty goal – to turn our country into an advanced and industrialized state. In this regard, special importance is attached to the further development of the fuel and energy complex and, in particular, the deep processing of hydrocarbon resources, based on modern technologies, and the manufacture of high-quality products that are in great demand in the world – gasoline, polypropylene, polyethylene and liquefied gas.

“The President stressed that in terms of fuel and energy, Turkmenistan would continue close cooperation with neighboring states and with other countries with which we had large-scale economic ties. In this direction, the implementation of the project to construct the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India gas pipeline is of great importance. And this, in addition to attracting large incomes to the country, will bring warmth and light to the homes of neighboring peoples.

“In his keynote speech, the President paid great attention to the possibilities of logistics, highlighting that the favorable geopolitical position and the availability of a network of roads and railways facilitate the development, extraction and processing of natural resources.

“Undoubtedly, we are inspired by the scale and importance of the tasks set before the oil and gas sector and, in turn, we assure that we will apply all our strength, knowledge and experience to successfully solve them.” 

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