To the participants of the International Forum on Attracting Foreign Investments in the Oil and Gas Sector of Turkmenistan

14:16 30.03.2022 2847

Dear participants of the International Forum!

Dear friends!

I cordially congratulate you on the start of work of the International Forum on attracting foreign investments in the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan in the capital of our country – the city of Ashgabat in the time of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State! I wish you every success in the work of this Forum, which is intended to help popularize the achievements of the country’s oil and gas industry in the world!

Dear guests!

Dear compatriots!

The significance of this International Forum, held in the year “The Era of the People with Arkadag”, is great. For the development of one of the leading sectors of the national economy, the fuel and energy complex, large-scale projects are being implemented in our country. The international forum will help familiarize foreign entrepreneurs with the strategy of the development of the fuel and energy complex, the experience of actively attracting modern technologies and forms of sectoral services.

The interest of foreign partners is primarily conditioned by the scale of the transformations implemented in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan and the high level of cooperation with the world’s leading oil and gas companies. We create the necessary conditions for all interested parties, in particular businessmen, to develop and make proposals for the supply of equipment, modern technologies and services and to negotiate with Turkmen partners on promising areas of cooperation.

Dear Forum participants!

Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the implementation of projects related to gas chemical complexes for the production of goods that are in great demand in the world market. Today, our country is not limited only to the production and supply of energy resources to foreign countries, but also increases the volume of exports of gas chemical products that are in demand in the world market.

Due to the activity of Turkmen oilmen, gas workers and geologists, large-scale work is being carried out to explore, search for and discover hydrocarbon deposits and to use modern technologies for deep drilling and well development, and facilities for the manufacture of new products are being constructed in accordance with the advanced achievements of science.

Maintaining traditional relations of strategic partnership, our country is increasing cooperation in the field of energy with the states of Europe, Asia, the Far East and the Southeast and is intensifying partnerships with the world’s leading oil and gas companies and authoritative financial institutions.

Dear participants of the International Forum!

We use our natural resources not only in the interests of the Turkmen people, but also for the sake of a prosperous life and a bright future for all humankind.

In our country, the accelerated development of oil and gas fields is carried out with the attraction of foreign investments. Together with foreign companies, work is underway to discover new deposits of minerals, to expand the boundaries of already discovered deposits, to expose new layers at developed deposits and to drill wells. For this, favorable legal, financial and economic conditions are created.

At present, the construction of the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India transnational gas pipeline is being carried out at a high pace. The implementation of this large-scale project, not limited to strengthening the economic potential of the participating countries, will have a positive impact on the development of other states of the world.

Turkmenistan is known on the world arena as a reliable partner. And therefore, many foreign companies are participating in the current Online Forum, which, together with Turkmen specialists, will have the opportunity to share their experience gained over many years and to exchange views on new areas of interaction.

I am firmly convinced that this International Online Investment Forum will become an effective platform for the exchange of experience between domestic and foreign specialists, the establishment of further large-scale cooperation and the discussion of mutually beneficial projects.

Dear friends!

Dear participants of the International Forum!

Once again, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to congratulate you on the start of work of the International Forum on Attracting Foreign Investments in the Oil and Gas Industry of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat in the year “The Age of the People with Arkadag”!

I wish you good health, longevity, a happy and prosperous life and every success in developing the oil and gas industry of our Motherland!

President of Turkmenistan 

Serdar Berdimuhamedov

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