Vice-President of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan "Socar" Elshad Nassirov

00:39 30.03.2022 6942

 - Taking the opportunity, I want to note the high level of organization of the International Investment Forum "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan" (OGT-2022), which has become one of the most important annual events in the energy calendar of the region.

 I began my speech at the plenary session of the Forum by congratulating the President of Turkmenistan on his convincing victory in the elections.  The election of Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the highest state post speaks of the wisdom of the Turkmen people and their faith in the continuity of power for the benefit of the country's prosperity.

 Azerbaijan, as one of the Caspian states, has always been interested in the development of comprehensive relations between the countries of the region.  And with the signing of the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea, a new era began in our relations. Today, our top priority is to unlock the full economic potential of the Caspian region. To achieve this goal, given the place of the Caspian Basin on the energy map of the world, we need to jointly develop regional cooperation in the energy sector. In this context, bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, which have a developed energy sector, is becoming increasingly important.

 Modern relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are based on ancient ties, common cultural and linguistic roots, religion, as well as geographical proximity.  In recent years, personal friendly relations between the leaders of our states have played a decisive role in expanding bilateral cooperation.  In this regard, it is important to note the importance of the visits of the President of Azerbaijan to Turkmenistan in November 2018 and last year, as well as the highly respected Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Azerbaijan in March 2020.

 In recent years, a solid contractual and legal base of interstate relations has been created, which includes over 100 documents that ensure the development of cooperation in many areas.  Important documents are the Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan and the Joint Statement of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

 The permanent intergovernmental commission is an important platform for promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in various areas.

 Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are making great efforts to realize the transport and transit potential of our countries.  Various cargoes are transported from Turkmenistan through the territory of our country to Europe and in the opposite direction using the capabilities of the Baku International Sea Port, as well as the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway route.  Cooperation is also being implemented along the Lapis-Lazuli route, efforts are being made to promote the Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor.

 Along with the bilateral agenda, cooperation in the multilateral format is actively developing.  Of course, cooperation within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States is of particular importance here.  As part of the VIII Summit of the Turkic Council, held on November 12, 2021 in Istanbul, it was decided to grant Turkmenistan an observer status in the Organization of Turkic States.  We are confident that the active involvement of Turkmenistan in programs and projects implemented within the framework of this organization will benefit all parties.

 The signing of the Memorandum on joint exploration on January 21, 2021, exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources of the Dostluk field in the Caspian Sea has become a new milestone in the development of bilateral relations in the oil and gas sector.  The Dostluk project is intended to become a platform for the multifaceted expansion of the Azerbaijani-Turkmen cooperation.

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