Saparguly Berdiyev – Head of the Department of Production and Innovative Technologies of the the Turkmennebitonumleri Main Directorate

16:03 02.04.2022 2923

The delegates of the International Forum on attracting foreign investments in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan told our readers about the topical subjects discussed at it.

Saparguly Berdiyev – Head of the Department of Production and Innovative Technologies of the Turkmennebitonumleri Main Directorate of the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries:

“One of the hot topics of OGT-2022 was the discussion of transnational cooperation in the implementation of the mega project - the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India (TAPI) gas pipeline.

“As our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov notes, ‘The implementation of this large-scale project, not limited to strengthening the economic potential of the participating countries, will also have a positive impact on the development of other states of the world.’

“In the reports of foreign participants of the forum in connection with the implementation of this project, it was also emphasized that TAPI, which would start from the largest field, Galkynyş, along with the solution of pressing social issues, opened up a wide path for intensifying effective cooperation among the countries of the region and increasing their economic potential and was also intended to promote peace and sustainable development.

“Today we can state that Turkmenistan has not only consolidated its position in the world energy market as one of the largest suppliers of energy carriers, but also qualitatively changes the nature of its presence in it due to the diversification of the commodity structure of energy exports and the active development of new forms of international energy business.

“Speaking about long-term plans in this area, it should be noted that in the development of natural resources, Turkmenistan demonstrates their rational use, concern for environmental protection and the implementation of important international initiatives on energy security. Evidence of this is TAPI, where special importance is attached to such an important aspect as compliance with environmental standards.

“At present, Turkmenistan has clearly set goals – to diversify the supply of Turkmen natural gas and to create a reliable and stable system for bringing energy carriers to international markets, which in turn is designed to contribute to solving a larger task of our time – global energy security.

“It is gratifying to realize that an equal international partnership, built on the optimal balance of mutual interests in this important area, is an integral part of universal sustainable development with a long-term prospect.”

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