International transport conference in Ashgabat will bring together representatives of more than 170 foreign companies

20:47 15.07.2022 8409

 Next Monday, Ashgabat will host an international conference dedicated to the restoration of transport and transit corridors to strengthen regional and interregional interconnections and development.  More than 400 delegates have registered to participate in the conference, according to a press release from Turkmen Forum, which is the co-organizer of the forum.

 A large forum, organized on the initiative of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, will be held on July 18-19 in Ashgabat and will bring together more than 170 representatives of foreign companies, about 90 local companies.  Among the 30 authoritative speakers will be representatives of the government of Turkmenistan and international organizations, the expert community, government and business structures.

 The conference will be held in both offline and online formats.  The venue of the forum will be the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. At the same time, the majority of speakers and delegates from all over the world will join via the Zoom platform to participate in presentations and discussions.

 In addition to bringing together representatives of the government and the private sector of Turkmenistan and other countries to exchange ideas and discuss strategies, the Conference will also serve as a platform for delegates to communicate with representatives of government departments and the private sector.  For example, on the sidelines of the conference, there will be an opportunity to organize face-to-face meetings with representatives of the government of Turkmenistan, as well as an opportunity for networking during the welcome ceremony, coffee breaks, lunches, dinners and excursions at the Turkmenbashi International Port and the «Avaza» National Tourist Zone.

 The conference "International transport and transit corridors: interconnection and development" received the support of leading Turkmen companies.  Silver sponsors include «Turkmen Ak Yol», «Ynamly Yol hyzmaty», «Altyn Dour», bronze sponsors - THADA, UlagExh, «Mermer Kenar», «At Abray».

 The main organizers of the forum are the transport departments "Turkmendemirellary", "Turkmenavtoulaglary", "Turkmendenizderyayollary", "Turkmenhowayollary" and the Transport and Logistics Center of Turkmenistan.

 The conference is co-organized by the Turkmen Logistics Association and the «Turkmen Forum» company.

Please visit the forum website for more information and registration for the online conference (registration deadline July 17).

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