Turkmenistan's GDP growth expected at 5.8% in 2020

18:28 22.09.2020 5357


At the end of 2020, the GDP of Turkmenistan will increase by 5.8%, Vice-Chairman Gadyrgeldi Mushshikov said at the  government meeting chaired by the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov last Friday via video communication.

At the same time, it is planned that the overall share of industry will be 27.1%, agriculture - 11.4%, construction - 8.6%, transport and communication sector - 11%, trade - 19.3%, services - 22, 6%.

According to forecasts, in connection with the state of affairs in the world economy, the volume of investments in the national economic complex of Turkmenistan at the expense of all sources of financing will amount to 19.4% in relation to GDP, Mushshikov said.

The Vice Prime Minister also reported on the preparation of preliminary drafts of the State Budget, the Main Directions of Socio-Economic Development and the Investment Program of Turkmenistan for 2021. The documents were drawn up on the basis of the economic strategy, as well as the Program of the country's socio-economic development for 2019-2025.

It was reported that, taking into account the current situation in the global economy, in the President's program, a number of indicators scheduled for 2021 have been adjusted in accordance with real opportunities and expected calculations.

Having listened to the report, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that according to forecasts of leading experts in the field of global economy and finance, next year is expected to be as difficult in economic terms as this one. In this regard, one should once again analyze the issues related to the State Budget for 2021.

In the main financial plan of the country for the coming year, it is necessary to provide funds for an increase in the size of wages, pensions, state benefits, scholarships for students and students, as well as for some other social benefits. It is also important to plan capital investments for the continuation of construction in cities and etraps of housing for disabled people and citizens in need, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered.

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