Energy is a perspective area of ​​cooperation between Turkmenistan and Moldova

19:22 11.04.2023 2499

 Moldova and Turkmenistan are interested in intensifying trade and economic cooperation and interaction in the energy sector.  This was discussed during the meeting of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova Ruslan Bolbochan with the new Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Moldova with residence in Kiev Toyly Ataev, the Moldovan news information portal reports.

 Secretary of State Bolbochan wished the head of the Turkmen diplomatic mission success in fulfilling the mandate entrusted to him and assured him of the full support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

 The parties exchanged views on the current state of bilateral Moldovan-Turkmen relations, noting the interest of both countries in the constant strengthening of political dialogue and the intensification of trade and economic cooperation.

 Among the areas of promising cooperation, the energy sector was highlighted, both sides confirmed their readiness to explore opportunities in this direction.

 On April 7, Ambassador Ataev presented his credentials to the President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu.

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