The number of partners of the International Forum in Dubai was replenished with new participants

19:21 11.04.2023 5867

 Half a month remains before the opening of the International Forum on Attracting Investments in the Energy Sector of Turkmenistan, which will be held on April 26-27, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dubai, UAE.

 The organizers of the forum, including the State Concerns “Turkmengas”, “Turkmennebit”, the State Corporation “Turkmengeology” in partnership with the ES Turkmen Forum and the British GaffneyCline, continue to actively prepare for the upcoming event.

 Thus, the Organizing Committee reports that SinoPetroleum Technology Inc. confirmed its Silver Investment Forum partnership.

 It is also noted that the following international media became the information partners of the forum: Bloomberg News, S&P Global Platts, Energy Intelligence, World 24, Natural Gas World, Interfax, Media Hub.

 Earlier, such companies as CNPC, Petronas, Dragon Oil, Mitro International, Yug-Neftegaz, and others announced their decision to become partners of the International Forum in Dubai.

 Among the information partners are also the television channels of Turkmenistan Altyn Asyr, Yaslyk, Miras, Turkmenistan, Asgabat, the Turkmen news agency ORIENT.

 The organizing committee of the forum reminds that there is very little time left to register and become a participant of the conference.  The deadline for registration for in-person participation is April 16, for online participation – April 20.

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