The Oil and Gas University of Turkmenistan held the first international Olympiad in Informatics

23:45 20.04.2023 6363

International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev held the first International Open Internet Olympiad in Informatics among students of foreign and Turkmen higher educational institutions.

About 500 representatives of more than 50 higher educational institutions from more than ten countries took part in the Olympiad.  Among them: the Russian Federation, Belarus, China, Azerbaijan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Romania, Germany and Turkmenistan, Orient reports.

The main goal of the international Olympiad was to unite the interested youth of the Eurasian region, and especially students of universities – partners of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev.  In the near future, it is planned to hold similar international olympiads in other subjects, which will help to identify the contingent of the most capable young people.

 Turkmenistan was represented at this Olympiad by 170 students from 23 universities.  The total number of foreign participants was about 250 people.

 The number of universities that took part in the Olympiad included such authoritative and internationally recognized higher educational institutions as the Petronas University of Technology (Malaysia), the Ploiesti University of Oil and Gas (Romania), the Chinese Petroleum University of Beijing (PRC), as well as others – leaders in their country rankings.

 The Olympiad was held on the Moodle platform, developed by IT specialists and teachers of the International University of Oil and Gas named after  Yagshygeldi Kakaev.  The platform registered the participants by creating logins and passwords for them to log in to the system, and uploaded the tasks and attachments to them.  The tasks were divided into sections: system programming, object-oriented programming, binary coding and measurement of information, computer graphics.

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