Abraýly dostlar launched production of polypropylene multifilament yarn

20:03 10.07.2020 5995


The production of polypropylene multifilament yarn has been established in Turkmenistan by the Abraýly dostlar individual enterprise. High-quality thread of various colors and shapes is produced using raw materials that are produced at the polymer plant in Kiyanly in the Balkan province. The manufacture of threads is carried out on modern equipment of the Austrian company SML.  Finished products undergo regular quality checks in their own laboratory on the equipment of the German company "ZwickRoell", as well as in independent organizations. The latest technology provides the highest degree of strength of threads at high linear density.  Product quality is not lost even at high production speeds.  The company received certificates of ISO 9001, ISO 10002, ISO 140001, ISO 45001, and its products comply with European standards. Multifilament yarn is used in the manufacture of straps and nets, seat belts, plastic pipes, braided ropes and slings, filter fabrics, carpets, bags and soft containers. The company seeks long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with partners and intends to expand the export of its products.  Currently, it is exported to Turkey, the company is negotiating deliveries to European countries.

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