The conference “The Caspian Sea – the Sea of Peace and Friendship” has completed its work

15:38 15.08.2023 4105

 As part of the festive action dedicated to the Day of the Caspian Sea, which was solemnly celebrated on August 12, a scientific and practical conference, an exhibition, sports competitions, creative competitions, as well as performances by song and music groups of the velayat were held on the picturesque coast of the Avaza National Tourist Zone.  This is reported by the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

 A great interest of the participants of the conference was caused by the exhibition unfolding in the foyer of the hotel complex, which demonstrated the achievements of our country in the field of environmental protection.  With great interest, the delegates got acquainted with the exhibits from the funds of the Museum of Nature of the Khazar Reserve, the museum of the city of Turkmenbashi, representing the amazingly beautiful and fragile world of marine animals and birds.

 The conference participants were unanimous in their opinion that the sustainable development of the Caspian Sea, the gradual restoration of natural ecosystems to a level that guarantees the stability of the environment, can only be achieved through the joint efforts of all the Caspian states.

 Summing up the results of the forum, its participants stated the unity of positions of all interested parties on the importance of maintaining cooperation, peace and trust in the Caspian Sea region, speaking in favor of further strengthening international partnership in ensuring reliable environmental protection of the Caspian Sea and developing its potential that meets the interests of common prosperity and progress.

 The conference participants adopted a thankful Address to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed their sincere gratitude for the excellent conditions created for the forum, for the attention paid to environmental measures, the implementation of environmentally significant projects in order to ensure rational nature management, effective protection of the Caspian environment.

 In the afternoon, in the conference hall of the “Daýanç” Hotel, a ceremony was held to award prizes to the authors of the best children’s works in applied arts and decorative works from marine materials, which clearly reflect the beauty of native nature, the expanses of the Caspian Sea and the unique world of its inhabitants in need of protection.

 The final chord of the festive evening was a concert with the participation of the State Drama Theater of the Balkan regions, children’s creative groups of Primorye region, the program of which also included dances and songs of the peoples of the Caspian countries.

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