Turkmenistan increased natural gas supplies to China by 10% in seven months

17:18 22.08.2023 2352


 The volume of supplies of Turkmen natural gas to China in January-July 2023 increased by about 10%, foreign media report citing data from the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China.

 Deliveries of Turkmen gas to China in January-July this year amounted to $5.85 billion, an increase of about 10%, according to Chinese customs.

 Thus, Turkmenistan still ranks first among the states selling pipeline gas to China.  Russia is in second place, followed by Myanmar with an increase of 17.6%, to $861.81 million, followed by Kazakhstan (a decrease of 5.4%, to $614.32 million) and Uzbekistan (a drop of 41.6%  , up to $295.3 million).

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