Oil and gas production department “Gumdagnebit”: 330.5 thousand tons of oil were produced in January-July

14:46 30.08.2023 4441


 For seven months of this year, specialists of the Gumdagnebit oil and gas production department of the Turkmennebit State Concern produced and sent for processing 330.5 thousand tons of “black gold”, which amounted to about 112% of the production plan for this period.

 Compared to the corresponding period last year, more than 50,000 tons of oil were produced from existing wells in excess of the plan.

 During the reporting period, the company produced an additional 3 million cubic meters of natural gas.

 The increase in production at the Gumdag field, which this year celebrated the 75th anniversary of its industrial development, is due to the introduction of new technologies and high-performance equipment from leading world manufacturers.

 Currently, the employees of the department maintain a high pace of work to achieve high production rates by the Independence Day of Turkmenistan.

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