The qualifying round of the competition “Talyp gözeli - 2024” took place within the walls of IUOG.

17:34 27.02.2024 2238

The International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev, hosted the qualifying stage of the beauty contest “Talyp gözeli - 2024”, which is annually organized by the Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly together with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Central Council of the Women's Union of Turkmenistan.

The "Talyp gozeli" competition reveals the beauty and versatile talents of Turkmen students, their intelligence, erudition, creative and culinary abilities.

According to the first condition, the contestants performed in a creative competition, presenting to the jury musical and stage compositions, song and dance numbers, which glorified the successes and achievements of the Renaissance era of the new era of the powerful state and this year, which is held under the motto “Magtymguly Fragi's Fount of Mind”.

According to tradition, the competition participants also competed in their culinary skills in skillfully cutting noodles to prepare the Turkmen national dish “unash”.

In the distant past, our great-grandmothers taught girls the skills of cutting noodles and other subtleties in preparing Turkmen national dishes.  In this way, girls were prepared for adult life.  Currently, holding such culinary competitions helps to instill skill in preparing national dishes and develop interest in Turkmen cuisine.

An important stage of the competition was dedicated to the skill of needlework.  And the girls coped with this test perfectly, demonstrating knowledge and skills in various types of national handmade embroidery.  The national heritage of the Turkmen people, tested by time and brought to perfection, an integral part of which is handicrafts, amazes everyone with its beauty and grace.

The Grand Prix of the competition was awarded to Ogulnazik Myshshieva, a student of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Ecology of the IUOG; the other contestants also received valuable gifts and certificates of honor.

The performances of the amateur artistic ensemble “Gara Altyn” of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev gave a particularly festive atmosphere to the event.

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