Presentation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s book on the history and culture of Anew took place in the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan

18:57 09.04.2024 1354

On April 6, 2024, in the Central Building of the Oil and Gas Complex of Turkmenistan, a presentation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s book Änew – müňýyllyklardan gözbaş alýan medeniýet (“Anew – Culture from the Depths of Millennia”) took place.

The event was attended by managers, workers and specialists of the oil and gas complex, public industry organizations, teachers and students of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev International University of Oil and Gas and a number of other universities in the capital, journalists, honorary elders, and youth.

In their speeches, the presentation participants highly appreciated the new work of the President of Turkmenistan, created on the basis of historical and documentary sources, including those collected by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

As noted, the book “Anew - Culture from the Depths of Millennia” covers significant events and historical eras of Ancient Anew.  Separate chapters of the publication are devoted to archaeological finds and unique architectural monuments that have survived to this day.

Those gathered expressed confidence that the book of the head of state, the publication of which was timed to coincide with the start of the events of the year “Anew - cultural capital of the Turkic world - 2024”, will serve for all its readers, including workers in the oil and gas industry, as a guide to the world of ancient history, rich  material and spiritual heritage of the Turkmen people.  “The successes achieved by the oil and gas industry over the years of the country’s independence, as well as the scale of our plans, are directly related to the spiritual revival of the nation, to the unity and harmony that now reign on the ancient Turkmen land,” the speakers noted.

The presentation participants emphasized the special significance of the new work of the head of state in the patriotic and intellectual education of youth.

Those gathered expressed sincere gratitude to the author of the new publication, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, for such a valuable gift, addressing him with heartfelt wishes for good health, long life, success in future activities for the benefit of the Turkmen people and the prosperity of the country.

The atmosphere of festive solemnity was supported by the performances of soloists and creative groups of the Cultural and Business Center of the State Concern "Turkmengas".

At the end of the presentation, on behalf of oil workers, gas workers and geologists, an Address of gratitude was accepted to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

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