Let's give the floor to the participants of the Olympiad

12:35 19.04.2024 2029


Alexander Myasnikov,
Student, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.  Tupolev:

 - I am very proud to take part in the II Open International Olympiad in Informatics for university students in Turkmenistan and foreign countries, which takes place in Ashgabat.  We are once again convinced that Ashgabat is unique and one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  It is difficult to describe the beauty of the city, which opens from the window of the airliner from a bird's eye view.  Turkmenistan delights and inspires every person with its innovative development, beautiful white marble capital, recreation areas, high-rise buildings, historical monuments, parks and squares.  This Olympiad broadens the horizons of student representatives, opens up new opportunities for them, strengthens friendship and brotherhood of peoples.

 I express my sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for the opportunity to organize and participate in such events on an international scale.

Ilya Malov,
Student, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.  Tupolev:

- It was my first time visiting Turkmenistan. The pureness and beauty of Ashgabat, its atmosphere, the hospitality of the Turkmen people, as well as the desire of young people for education and science left me with a very pleasant impression.  I know a lot about Turkmenistan and its beautiful capital Ashgabat.  However, seeing and experiencing this beauty with your own eyes is something completely different. The culture of Turkmen youth, commitment to brotherhood, broad outlook, dignified behavior, and level of education are worthy of praise.

 I wish good luck to the participants of the II Open International Olympiad in Informatics for students of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan and foreign countries.  We express our gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and sincerely appreciate the high level of organization of the Olympiad.

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