The International Investment Forum TEIF 2024 concluded in Paris

11:22 29.04.2024 1865

 Today, April 25, the second and final day of the International Forum to attract foreign investment in the energy sector of Turkmenistan (TEIF 2024) took place in Paris.

 On this day, two sessions were held: “The role of financial institutions in promoting projects in the field of clean energy and modern infrastructure” and “Accelerating the process of attracting investments in new projects of Turkmenistan in construction, gas chemistry, transport and communications”.

 During the first session, the role of international organizations and financial institutions in promoting clean energy and a green future was reviewed, current trends in financing energy projects were discussed, and the objectives of Turkmenistan in the field of energy transformation were announced.

 Among the speakers at this session were the Minister of Energy of Turkmenistan, heads of the Central Bank and the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan, as well as representatives of foreign companies and financial organizations.

 Participants in the second session discussed issues of attracting investment in new infrastructure projects with an emphasis on construction, transport, digital technologies and telecommunications.

 In this regard, it was noted that Turkmenistan is actively integrating into global logistics systems and welcomes investors in the transport and communications sector to implement joint projects to modernize the infrastructure of maritime, rail, air transportation and satellite communications.  The topic of geological research into the natural resources of Turkmenistan, which provides a resource base for new projects, was also covered.

 Among the speakers at this session were the heads of the State Corporation "Turkmengeology", "Turkmenchemistry", the agency "Turkmenaragatnashyk", the France-Turkmenistan Chamber of Commerce, the Caspian Logistics Solutions company, the rector of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev and others.

Then, the participants of the TEIF 2024 forum adopted an appeal to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, which emphasized that the two-day forum was of great importance in terms of comprehensive familiarization and exchange of information on investment projects in the oil and gas, construction and industrial, chemical, transport and communications industries of Turkmenistan, and  also discussing ways to combine efforts in their implementation.

 At this point, the next visiting investment forum, organized by the State Concerns «Turkmengas» and Turkmennebit in partnership with the Turkmen Forum and the British company GaffneyCline, completed its work.

 On the same day, pre-agreed meetings were held with senior management of the energy, chemical, financial, construction and transport and communications sectors of Turkmenistan.

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