President of Turkmenistan congratulated workers of the oil and gas industry and geology on their professional holiday

16:19 14.12.2021 9601

 Today, December 14, Turkmenistan celebrates the Day of Oil and Gas Industry and Geology Workers.  On this occasion, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent a congratulatory message to the workers of the oil and gas industry of our country.

 As noted in the address of the head of the state, this year, the motto of which is «Turkmenistan – the Homeland of Peace and Trust,» Turkmen oil workers, gas workers and geologists celebrated the glorious 30th anniversary of independence and the 26th anniversary of the country's permanent neutrality with high labor achievements.  In the jubilee year, a gas compressor station was put into operation at the Malay field, and the construction of deep high-pressure gas wells at the Galkynysh field began.

 The President also mentioned that the oil and gas industry is a key sector of the national economy.  The raw material resource base of the country, the developed fuel and energy industry and transport and energy infrastructure turn Turkmenistan into a powerful state.  In this regard, this area remains a priority area of ​​the country's economic development.  The «Program for the development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for the period up to 2030» provides for the implementation of large projects and effective work aimed at further increasing the production capacity of the fuel and energy complex.

 Speaking about the intention to diversify this industry and expand its infrastructure through the creation of modern production facilities, the leader of the nation noted that the production of new types of import-substituting products through the processing of oil and natural gas is a key area.

 “The implementation of the tasks in the oil and gas complex, the introduction of the latest achievements of science and technology into production have become a significant contribution to the economic development of our powerful state in the years of independence,” Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.  “Currently, the industry is also carrying out large-scale work to create new production facilities, comprehensive modernization of existing facilities and the introduction of advanced technologies and highly efficient equipment”.

 The measures taken, in particular the construction of gas pipelines, contribute to strengthening peace in the region, expanding economic partnerships, creating thousands of additional jobs, as well as the formation of modern industrial infrastructure in neighboring states. The implementation of new projects in this direction is one of the most important tasks of our state policy, according to the President's address.

 The development of the gas chemical industry, which is considered a new, promising vector of the oil and gas industry, is one of the strategies put forward for the rational and efficient use of the rich hydrocarbon resources of our sovereign state, the head of state emphasized.

 The implementation of new projects in the gas industry is aimed at fulfilling tasks for the comprehensive industrialization of the country's regions, the progressive growth of the national economy, an increase in the volume and range of products in demand on the world market, the circulation notes.

- We are proud of the work on processing natural gas based on innovative technologies and the production of high-quality products, diversification of the supply of hydrocarbon resources to international markets, - Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized.

 The President also noted that thanks to the selfless work of Turkmen oil workers, gas workers and geologists, the effective use of the latest technologies and the introduction of the latest scientific achievements into production, large-scale measures are being taken to search for hydrocarbon deposits, deep drilling and construction of wells, release new products that meet international standards, establishing in this area mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign partners.

 Recalling that there are many tasks and projects in the oil and gas industry to be implemented in the future, the head of the state expressed his firm confidence that specialized workers will honorably fulfill all the tasks defined in the «Program for the development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for the period up to 2030».

 Concluding his address, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all employees of the oil and gas industry good health, prosperous and happy life, success in the development of the oil and gas industry!

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