OSCE contributes to the development of Turkmenistan's energy diplomacy program

19:57 17.11.2020 3460


 Representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Energy, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, higher education institutions and other departments were gathered at an online seminar on energy diplomacy, which ended last week in Ashgabat, organized by the OSCE.

 The event presented an overview of international priorities in the energy sector, as well as an analysis of global trends and strategies in this area.  They also discussed possible steps to develop a program of Turkmenistan for the development of energy diplomacy, according to a press release from the OSCE Center in Ashgabat.

 “As the largest regional security organization, the OSCE has great potential to promote political dialogue and international cooperation on energy issues, including their economic and environmental aspects”, - Natalya Drozd, the head of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat said.

 Experts from the Russian Federation and Serbia paid particular attention to energy markets, geopolitics and climate change diplomacy.  The participants discussed the energy diplomacy of the Middle East, its strategies and approaches in the energy sector and the relationship with the Central Asian region.

 “The fact that the promotion of energy security is one of the priorities of the foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan, which also attaches great importance to the development of energy diplomacy, deserves a high assessment,” Ambassador Drozd said.  "We are firmly convinced that this event will make a practical contribution to the development of the Program for the Development of Energy Diplomacy of Turkmenistan for 2020-2025."

 Having familiarized themselves with the priorities of other states-exporters of energy resources - OSCE members and the experience of countries that do not have access to the oceans and international energy markets, the participants exchanged views on the priorities and practical aspects of energy diplomacy of Turkmenistan.

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