Reconstruction of two power plants of TCOR is planned

14:59 28.12.2020 3805

The Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries will sign a contract with the PRC (Hong Kong) company «INVEST Enterprises Limited», which is a member of the Consortium, and the private enterprise «Azap», for the reconstruction at the expense of its own funds of two head reduction electric power plants of the TCOR.

 The corresponding decree was signed by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during a government meeting held last Friday via video communication.  The document provides for the completion of all work within 18 months.

 The project is provided for by the Program of the country's socio-economic development for 2019-2025 and aimed at ensuring reliable power supply to production facilities of the TCOR.

 Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Myratgeldi Meredov reported on the planned work on the repair of the head electrical substations of TCOR, designed to reduce the voltage of electricity and its distribution to consumers.

 By signing this decree, the President addressed Vice-Chairman Myratgeldi Meredov with instructions for further technical re-equipment of the enterprises of the complex, the introduction of effective technologies that ensure deep, waste-free processing of hydrocarbons, innovative methods of production of oil and gas chemical products, as well as expanding its range.

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