Lukoil intends to participate in the development of the Turkmen-Azerbaijani «Dostluk» field in the Caspian Sea

16:21 19.02.2021 4080

The Russian oil company Lukoil intends to take part in the development of the Turkmen-Azerbaijani «Dostluk» field in the Caspian Sea.  This opportunity was discussed at the meeting of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the head of PJSC Lukoil Vagit Alekperov, held last Thursday.

 Having noted that the Turkmen side welcomed Lukoil's intentions to take part in the development of the «Dostluk» field, the Turkmen leader announced his readiness to consider specific investment proposals for the implementation of this project.

 In turn, the Russian businessman assured that Lukoil would make every effort to successfully solve the problems associated with the implementation of such a significant project as «Dostluk».

 “Today we are making every effort to mobilize the best personnel from all our projects in order to be ready for the implementation of such a unique project as Dostluk.  I am sure that we will meet your expectations”, - Alekperov said on the air of the Vatan news program.

 “I want to assure that our company will make every effort to timely and cost-effectively and environmentally safe implement the project aimed at increasing the economic potential of Turkmenistan”, - the head of Lukoil continued.

The Foreign Ministers of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan signed a Memorandum of Understanding on joint exploration, development and development of the «Dostluk» field in the Caspian Sea in Ashgabat on January 21, 2021.

 At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called the general decision to name this field «Dostluk» deeply symbolic, which means «Friendship» in both Turkmen and Azerbaijani languages.

 At present, according to the Azerbaijani media, an intergovernmental agreement is being prepared between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, according to which the hydrocarbon resources of the «Dostluk» field will be distributed between the parties in a ratio of 30% (Azerbaijan) and 70% (Turkmenistan).

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