Prospects of cooperation with SPE were discussed at SRI GK "Turkmengaz"

14:11 19.03.2021 3464

An online seminar with specialists of the institute and representatives of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) was held in the building of the Scientific Research Institute under the State Concern Turkmengaz (SC Turkmengaz), where the prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed.

The meeting was organized by the SC "Turkmengaz" in partnership with the "Turkmen Forum" company with the aim of establishing partnerships with the world's leading scientific centers and intensifying the exchange of experience between scientific research institutes and the Society of Petroleum Engineers, as well as discussing the prospects of Turkmen specialists joining SPE.

Representatives of the institute made presentations on gas fields in Turkmenistan, as well as shared their experience in their development.

During the seminar, a report was made by the Regional Director of SPE Ignatiy Volnov, who spoke about the experience of working on the development and development of large gas carbonate fields in the neighboring countries.

The head of the field development department Denis Fomin made a presentation on the topic "Experience in the development of gas wells in complex carbonate reservoirs at different stages of development." This topic was selected as a priority by the specialists of the Scientific Research Institute of the SC "Turkmengaz".

Yaroslava Orlova, Leading Coordinator of SPE Non-Commercial Projects in Russia and the Caspian Region, spoke about the activities of the society and the prospects for joining it, acquainting the participants with the plan of upcoming events in the region and with the SPE electronic library.

The seminar participants also discussed the methodology for conducting gas-dynamic research and the use of the latest technologies in the development and drilling of gas fields.

SPE is a leading international non-profit professional organization of petroleum technicians. The main goal of the society is the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge in the field of oil exploration and production, as well as the development of related technologies. SPE offices are located in Moscow, Dallas, Houston, London, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur.

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