The President of Turkmenistan was awarded the gold breastplate of the International Television and Radio Company "Mir"

01:54 03.06.2021 4287

 President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was awarded the golden pin of the International Television and Radio Company "Mir" for many years of fruitful cooperation and support for the activities of the CJSC International Television and Radio Company "Mir".  This high award was presented to the head of Turkmenistan within the framework of an interview with this TV and radio company.

ITRC "Mir" was established in 1992 with the aim of preserving a common information space and facilitating the international exchange of information in the CIS.

 “Turkmenistan considers ITRC "Mir" as one of the leading TV and radio broadcasting companies with a multimillion audience, performing an important mission to strengthen political, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties between countries and peoples,” the State News Agency of the country said.

 In November 2020, following an online meeting with the chairman of ITRC "Mir", Radik Batyrshin, an Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Information Policy was signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and ITRC "Mir", as well as an Agreement on Cooperation between the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography and ITRC "Mir".

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