Maxim Bortnikov – Managing Director at the Center for the Implementation of the Principles of Sustainable Development of Gazprombank:

19:04 17.06.2023 2587

“The theme of the International Conference held in Ashgabat is rather topical, as evidenced by the composition of its participants, including representatives of government agencies, large international organizations, banks, big gas companies, scientists, leading specialists and experts in the oil and gas sphere. 

“Gazprombank has been structuring and financing infrastructure projects for a long time, with a particular focus on the “green” agenda. The Council for the Implementation of the Principles of Sustainable Development was established within the structure of the bank to systematize projects in this area and to form goals and objectives in social, environmental and economic areas. The Council annually submits a report on activities in these areas, including the implementation of the bank’s environmental responsibility policy conception.

“Participation in the Ashgabat Conference made it possible to exchange experience, to be acquainted with the best practices for solving the identified issues, services used to improve the energy efficiency of projects, new opportunities for environmental financing and initiatives in promoting “green” energy. 

“Equally interesting and meaningful were the presentations by experts at the workshop discussions on the problems of reducing methane and carbon dioxide emissions from hydrocarbon production. 

“I would like to note the good organization of the International Conference. All the necessary conditions were created for the guests and experts for holding discussion events and a fruitful exchange of views on topical issues submitted for consideration by the international forum.” 

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