At the government meeting, the results of the fuel and energy complex for January-May 2021 were considered

19:54 07.06.2021 4175

 Last Friday, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via digital video communication system, which summed up the work for January-May of this year in all sectors of the national economic complex of our country.

 Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shakhym Abdrakhmanov reported on the results of the work of the oil and gas industry for five months. It was reported about the technical and economic indicators achieved in the field of oil and gas condensate production, as well as oil refining. The plan for the production of gasoline was fulfilled by 112.8 percent, diesel fuel – by 100.3 percent, polypropylene – by 118.8 percent, liquefied gas – by 115.5 percent, production of natural and associated gas – by 116 percent, export of blue  fuel «- by 123.7 percent, investment development – by 117.7 percent.

 The Vice-Chairman also reported that at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries, in addition to the produced packaging films with a thickness of 20, 25 and 30 micrometers, the production of white pearlescent polypropylene film, used for packing sweets and packing gifts, was established.

 It is envisaged that the TCOR will produce 2 thousand tons of this type of film per year, which will be supplied to the domestic and foreign markets.  The first batch of finished products is planned to be sold through the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange.

 After hearing the report, the President of Turkmenistan ordered a thorough analysis of the work carried out in the oil complex, noting that, despite the earlier instructions given in this direction, no progress has been observed.

 The head of state ordered the Vice-Chairman to meet more often with the leaders of the oil and gas complex in the field and to resolve issues in the industry.

 In this context, relevant instructions were given to attract foreign investors to the fuel and energy complex, expand mutually beneficial cooperation with large oil and gas companies with advanced technologies.

 Having noted that a new type of polypropylene film, the production of which had been mastered at the TCOR, would find wide application in various segments of the national economy, the President emphasized the importance of further increasing production in the country of various petrochemical products in demand among domestic and foreign consumers, as well as increasing its range.  In this regard, the Vice-Chairman was given a number of specific instructions.

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