President: Turkmenistan maintains steady economic growth

14:46 09.06.2021 4608

The results of the five months of 2021 indicate the progressive development of our state, despite the difficult situation in the global economy. This was stated by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at a government meeting last Friday, at which the results of the country's socio-economic development for January-May of this year were summed up.

- In our country, there is a steady growth in the economy, all the adopted social programs are successfully implemented, - the President said, noting that the result of the organized activities of the government and the people was the growth of GDP, which at the end of five months amounted to 6.1%.

Since the beginning of the year, industrial facilities, residential buildings, kindergartens, schools, shops and other facilities have been built and put into operation. In accordance with the adopted programs, the strategy of diversification of energy resources to the world markets is also being successfully implemented, the head of Turkmenistan noted.

"Our main goal is to further improve the social and living conditions of the people," Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed, instructing the participants of the meeting in June to visit the regions of the country to familiarize themselves with the progress of the grain harvesting campaign and the implementation of social programs.

During the government meeting, it was also reported that at the end of five months, the GDP growth rate was 6.1%. Compared to the same period in 2020, production is 5.3% higher. Compared to the same period last year, the volume of retail trade increased by 17.5%. In January–May, the revenue part of the State Budget was executed at the level of 120.4%, and the expenditure part-92.2%.

Compared to the corresponding period in 2020, the average monthly salary increased by 10.5%. Salaries, pensions, State benefits and student scholarships have been fully funded in a timely manner.

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