Abu Dhabi Development Fund to allocate $99.91 million for infrastructure projects in Turkmenistan

19:53 11.06.2021 18794


 Two agreements worth $99.91 million were signed Thursday between the Abu Dhabi Development Fund (ADFD) and the government of Turkmenistan, UAE media reported.

 One agreement provides for financing the construction of an airport in Jebel in the Balkan region of Turkmenistan, the second is aimed at financing the construction of a hybrid power plant with a capacity of 10 megawatts, the Internet resource TradeArabia.com notes.

 The agreements were signed by ADFD General Director Mohammed Saif Al-Suweidi and Chairman of the State Bank for Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan Rakhimberdi Dzhepbarov.

 The signing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure of the United Arab Emirates Suhail bin Muhammad Faraj Faris Al Mazruei and Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as well as other officials from both sides.

 The Jebel airport project aims to improve air transport infrastructure in the Balkan region of Turkmenistan and strengthen regional air connection in Central Asia. The project also aims to attract investment in Jebel and the Balkan region by improving the quality of transport services. The project will carry out the construction of a terminal at Jebel Airport with a capacity of 100 passengers per hour.  Project components include planning, design, construction and delivery of the project, as well as training for airport personnel.

 In February 2021, the Abu Dhabi Development Fund signed three memorandums of understanding with the government of Turkmenistan on infrastructure projects in various sectors, including renewable energy and air transport.

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