Overhaul at the Zergyar oil products plant is almost completed

02:42 17.06.2021 4922


 At one of the large branches of the Turkmenabat oil products enterprise, located in Zergyar, a major overhaul is in the final stage. The work is carried out by specialists of the self-supporting department for construction and improvement of the Lebap region of the Main Directorate of «Turkmennebitonumleri».

 Zergar has a powerful tank farm for the storage and delivery of petroleum products, as well as the presence of an engineering system. All processes for acceptance, storage and dispensing of petroleum products comply with modern technical and environmental requirements, including fire and sanitary standards, and safe working conditions.

 Currently, the repair of auxiliary and industrial buildings is carried out here at a high rate, as well as the installation of vertical vats for storing lubricating oils and fuel. The builders of the management are distinguished by high professionalism and efficiency.

 According to the plan, 10 vats with a total volume of 10.4 thousand cubic meters are being built at the Zergar branch. To date, the bulk of the work has been completed.  The total area of ​​the asphalted area is 2.4 thousand square meters, fences and curbs have been updated, lamps have also been installed.

 The supplier of various types of oil products to the enterprise is the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries.

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