New issue of the magazine «Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan» has been published

23:10 23.06.2021 4600

  The next issue of the magazine “Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan” of the State Concern “Turkmennebit” has been published this year under the title “Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust”.

 The magazine, covering the main events and trends in the fuel and energy complex of our country, provides an analysis of ongoing reforms in the economic direction. The periodical opens with an article dedicated to the work of the international forum to attract investment in the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan. The publication emphasizes the importance of international business cooperation, and also highlights the successes and prospects for the development of the oil and gas complex of our country.

 In the publicistic article «The Global Energy Market and Large-Scale Projects Initiated by Turkmenistan» its author, Ph.D. in History, Rector of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Dzhumageldy Gurbangeldyev, talks about the implementation of specific projects aimed at strengthening Turkmenistan's position in the global world market and diversifying hydrocarbon exports.

 Also on the pages of the journal is presented the material of the teachers of the Y. Kakaev IOGU, in which the readers' attention is presented with an analysis of the prospects for the use of purified sulfur released from natural gas.

 The article by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of IOGU H. Yovzhanov highlights significant issues on the use of wells with gas, petrochemical, ore, hydro-mineral raw materials, and also provides scientific solutions, analysis, views and opinions of scientists.

 The article by R. Akmuradov, the head of production and technical department of the Turkmenaragatnashyk administration of the State Concern «Turkmengas», highlights the tasks and prospects of using the Turkmen artificial satellite in the oil and gas sector of our country. With the help of space geology, it will be possible to study the surface of the earth, and identify areas with minerals and hydrocarbons.

 Actual articles and materials of research workers, posted in the new issue of the journal, will arouse the interest of both specialists and a wide range of readers.

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