Turkmenistan adopted the National Program for the socio-economic development of the country for 30 years

21:13 14.02.2022 20555


 At the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, held last Friday, the National Program for the socio-economic development of the state for 2022-2052 was adopted.  The meeting was chaired by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who heads the Halk Maslakhaty.

 In his speech, the Turkmen leader, speaking about the adopted program, noted that reforms aimed at diversifying the national economy based on innovation would be continued in the future.

 In the future, every possible assistance will be provided to the development of processing industries based on high and environmentally friendly technologies, which will significantly increase the volume of the country's export potential and ensure the growth of its role in the world economy.

 “The state will continue to fully support entrepreneurship, which is one of the driving forces of the national economy.  Along with this, all favorable conditions for the investment climate will be created in order to increase the economic potential of the country.  By this we will win high profitability and timely return on investment,” the Turkmen leader emphasized.

 As the head of our state emphasized, Turkmenistan will continue to strengthen its leadership in the supply of energy resources to world markets, for which diversification of the oil and gas industry will continue.

 “This provides for the construction of modern complexes specializing in oil and gas processing, accelerated industrial development of new fields, including the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea and the Galkynysh field,” Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

 The President also noted that Turkmenistan would continue to develop interstate dialogue on the issues of rational water use, protection and improvement of the environment, adaptation to climate change, global warming, combating desertification, improving the reclamation state of lands, and greening territories.

 The head of state stressed that Turkmenistan would continue to strengthen and expand the country's global competitive advantages in such traditional areas as energy, transport, the agricultural sector, and processing of natural resources.

 “Dear participants of the Halk Maslakhaty!  Everything I have said above is my vision of the prospects for the development of our country.  This is my new political course.  Therefore, we will continue to work purposefully and with inspiration,” Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, adding that “at the same time, he places special hope on the youth of the country, because the young generation is the embodiment of hopes for the future”.

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